Building a road map designed to get you there

Where do you want to go in life? You certainly know, and we invite you to share that with us. We’d like to chat over coffee and dive into whom and what’s important to you. We’d like to talk about the goals you have, the future you envision, as well as the concerns and needs you have. It’s what will ultimately help us personalize a plan to map it all out.

Call it what you want – your life’s road map, a personal and comprehensive financial plan, or even an investment policy statement –  it’s a very important document because it clarifies where you are now, where you want to get to and what actions need to be taken to help get you there. It also helps us identify any gaps that should be addressed.

When we get down to the business of building your road map, we may work with your other advisors such as your accountant and lawyer. Given the comprehensive nature of the plan, there may be different areas of your life that will inevitably need the thoughtful counsel of your tax and legal professionals – so we’ll coordinate with them to help seamlessly address all matters that your plan should encompass.

Once we’re done, we’ll walk you through it to make sure you understand everything and are comfortable with it. Then with your approval, we’ll put your financial plan into action. Of course, we’ll monitor the progress as time unfolds, incorporating any changes in your personal circumstances along the way to help ensure that you’re always on the right road. Most of all, remember that we’re always here for you wherever life takes you.

To sum it up, here are the steps that outline our process:

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“Friendship is thinking of the other person first.”
George Alexiou